Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream...

So I was giving my sister advice on how to raise her two kids. Her daughter had turned into a MEAN little girl. I mean spiteful and hateful- mean.
We were all in a Target store and I accompanied them home and talked heart-to-heart with her daughter.
She said my sister was ignoring her and that's why she was being mean- to get her mother's attention.
I went into their backyard and I was standing among their plants and leaning against their fence-surveying their backyard like 'The Daughter Whisperer'.
In my infinite wisdom I told my sister to start talking to herself- whenever her daughter was around. Like 'Oh, I really like Pepsi better than Coke' or whatever. So she could include her daughter in the conversation.
In my mind it made perfect sense- they wouldn't have to really communicate they could just share their thoughts without having to give and take.
Then I woke up with a really creepy feeling.