Last night I had the strangest dream...
I woke up and my house was full of yuppies. The same ones I had dinner with.
I looked at the clock and it was 12:45pm! I was SO late for work and still hungover. So I decided I'd better call in sick to work really soon.
I thought it would seem more responsible to call in sick at 1pm than it was to roll in at 1pm hungover with bed hair.
When I went downstairs in my house, it was filled with people. I mean wall-to-wall people. Most of whom I'd never seen before. They were all wearing tan pants and drinking white wine.
I told them I had called in sick but I was going back to sleep and they were really pissed I didn't want to sit around and eat bacon wrapped shrimp with them. (Which even now, sounds disgusting).
My boss sent me an email and told me that she was really sorry I was sick and hoped I felt better tomorrow and my guilt was so strong that I made myself sick worrying about it.