I watched 'Animal Factory' with my current favorite star Mickey Rourke. Set in a prison, Mikey Rourke's character, Jan The Actress, wears a red lace strapless bra under a denim shirt tied at the chest.
In my dream, I'm in his cell and we're about to make out and I decide I'm going to make my move.
I lean in to take off his bra (yes, his red lace strapless bra). I can't quite figure out how I'm going to work my way around the denim shirt AND the bra. It's a very complex procedure that's in front of me.
My dream RESETS not once but three times!
Each time I lean in to try to figure out how to disrobe this convict, my mind can't quite figure out how I'm going to manage the bra and the shirt.
By the third re-set of the approach, my mind decides that it would be more advantageous if this red bra were a front-hook.
Having little experience with front hook bras, my sleeping mind decided that front hook would be a much more direct way to achieve nakedness.
Gotta love the human mind.